Monday, August 2, 2010

God-Given Goals

"No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."
Psalm 84:11

God will not lead you into unrealistic thinking. . . .

I didn't say the Lord wouldn't challenge you to do what seems impossible to you. I said He wouldn't lead you into something that was unrealistic.

The "impossible goals" that the Lord lays before us are goals that are in keeping with the talents and abilities He has given us. They are things that we cannot achieve apart from the use of our faith. There is a dimension to these goals that is God's realm. Only He can cause all the pieces to fall into place. Only He can cause the seeds of time, effort, and skill associated with the goal to come to full fruition.

Source: "God's Way Day by Day"


Anonymous said...

I was reading another blog and clicked on "next blog" just to look around and I found this! You might ask why that was a big enough deal to leave a comment...because I've heard about you! I went with Bro.Bennie Portwood and Mt. Carmel Baptist Church to Lake Placid to serve with NCM. (we did VBS and worked at the Iron Man) It was an amazing trip! So cool to see this blog! Bless you and the ministry God has called you into.


Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you! Thanks for what you did here in Lake Placid to serve people and advance the gospel. God is on the move here. Tell my friends at Mt. Carmel that I said "hi."