Sunday, November 22, 2009

Serving at the World Cup Bobsled and Skeleton 2009

On Nov 16-22, about fifteen different people from North Country Ministries (NCM) served at the World Cup Bobsled & Skeleton races in Lake Placid. Some were from Lake Placid Baptist Church and others were from New Hope Baptist Church (Watertown, NY). We helped out at the race in a variety of ways, and gave away scores of goody bags, hand warmers and NCM cowbells. The weekend was a blessing in a lot of ways. Here are some of them.

Eiko Nakayama's red and white sled displaying her faith in Jesus Christ:
Other blessings included getting to catch up with friends that I only see a few times each year. These are the guys and gals who put on the World Cup bobsled & skeleton races all over the world. It's great to be able to help out as a "scabbard slugger" or as the "chief of acetone control" or whatever else they need me to help with.
A video crew from the North American Mission Board came in town for a few days to film us at the track. It was great meeting Tony, Pete & Tim. They tell me the video will be posted on the web in February 2010, right before the Olympics begin. I'll keep you posted. Speaking of videos, Stephen Colbert was there on Sunday to film a segment for his show that will air in February too.
Another cool thing: USA bobsled driver Erin Pac decided recently to put a North Country Ministries sticker on her sled to display her faith in Christ as she slides. Check out the picture:

Here's another encouraging thing that happened. Some of the bobsledders and skeleton athletes did not get to compete this weekend because of injury or other circumstances, and yet their encouraging attitudes were a blessing to me and others. "Praise You in the storm," as Casting Crowns would sing.
Also, those who did compete did their best. Some won, others did not. But the testimony of the Christian athletes was powerful. Check out the websites of Brock Kreitzburg, Erin Pac, Jesse Beckom and John Napier. You will be encouraged.

One of the most exciting parts of the weekend was on Saturday when John Napier, who was recently baptized at Lake Placid Baptist Church, and who is a courageous follower of Jesus Christ, won Gold Medal for the World Cup 2-Man Bobsled Race! His team didn't stop there. They also won two silver medals (4-man bobsled and bobsled/skeleton team competition) on Sunday! Below you will see a picture of John's baptism, then a picture of his sled, then a picture of him letting our son Andy try on one of his medals!

The Bible tells us to give thanks for all things. Thank you, God, for all the blessings you gave to us during the World Cup bobsled & skeleton. May God's Holy Spirit continue to move among the bobsled & skeleton athletes of the world!

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