On May 26-June 1, a group of teenagers known as The Pulse traveled from Hebron Baptist Church (Dacula, GA) to sing, dance, stomp, play instruments, and minister in several communities of the Adirondack Mountains. They did a great job of representing Christ everywhere they went. Their servant spirit, high energy and love for Jesus was inspiring. We at North Country Ministries were grateful to partner with them to serve in several communities: Crown Point, Ticonderoga, Moriah, Jay, Au Sable Forks, Elizabethtown, Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake and Chateaugay.
They performed six great concerts while they were here. They clearly communicated the good news of Jesus Christ, and invited people to turn away from their sins and trust in Christ as Lord and Savior. Altogether, they ministered to hundreds of people and saw at least six people give their lives to Christ! They encouraged us all, and we are grateful for their ministry. They did it all for the glory of God!
(special thanks to Jonnie Guthrie for the photos above)